Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Education in Medicine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Education in Medicine - Essay Example Thus, evidently, education has become a mandatory requisite and is no more an option! One may ask, what are the benefits of obtaining education. The advantages accrued are many. Firstly, education bestows a good career and secure financial position. However laid-back one might be, if one possesses an educational background, he or she c an fall back on it at any point in life. It acts like a secure safety option, in turbulent times. It also guarantees us our bread and butter for life! Therefore, it is extremely important to possess a good educational background. Secondly, it helps a person understand the ways of the world. Education opens numerous doors and avenues for a person. For instance, a person, on receiving some amount of information about a particular disease through education can go no and read and learn about the disease from varied sources. Education opens up new horizons and displays a variety of options. As a child, one is taught numerous subjects. Thus, it helps one become well-versed and at least well-acquainted with all areas of life.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Value of lessons Essay Example for Free

Value of lessons Essay When the monster recounts the early memories of his life, he explains: it was a long time before I could distinguish between the operations of my various senses. This helps us to sympathise with him as we view him similarly to a helpless new born child. By Shelley providing this knowledge of his innocence, it acts as evidence that he is not an evil creature, and started his life with no malicious intentions, which helps us to identify his motives which occur later in his narrative and drive him to commit his crimes. In his narrative the monster also tells us of the friendship he formed with the cottagers during his observation of them from his hovel. He expresses how he longed to join them, but dared not because the only interaction he has had with humans before this point had left him miserable from the barbarity of man. We sympathise with the monsters feelings of isolation and loneliness as it is clear that the monster longs to feel compassion and belonging, but knows from his previous human reception that this is not a possibility. He takes to doing favours for the cottagers, such as collecting firewood, in an effort to ease their sadness and poverty. We find it endearing how the kindness of the cottagers towards each other inspires the monster to show kindness towards them, this shows evidence of the monster longing to be part of the family which he so avidly admires, thus furthering our sympathy towards him. As the monsters knowledge develops it brings him both happiness and misery. He first feels happiness, as his new found knowledge of language instils him with the hope that this acquired skill will ensure the acceptance of the cottagers. He hopes that upon presenting himself to them his gentle demeanour and conciliating words should win their favour and afterwards their love. This hope is heightened by arrival of spring causing his past recollections of cruelty and the hard learned lessons of the barbarity of man to be blotted from his memory with the disappearance of winter. This increases our sympathy as these delusional hopes he has created for himself emphasise his desperate longing and determination to be accepted and loved. As the monster then continues to observe the cottagers with his new found understanding of their language, he comes to learn more about the strange system of human society. He discovers that he does not possess any of the qualities that will allow him to be accepted amongst mankind, which brings him great misery. He comes to question his existence: was I, then, a monster, a blot upon the earth? This realisation brings the monster great pain, which Shelley emphasises by its contrast with the hopes and happiness that his earlier knowledge gave him. The monster tells of when he went to speak with De Lacey, the blind man who lives in the cottage, in an attempt to gain his friendship. De Lacey responds to the monster with kindness and sympathises with his plight. He cannot see the monster and believes him to be human, so here Shelley is convincing the reader of the monsters humanity by showing us that only his appearance sets him apart from other humans. The children return home to the cottage during the conversation between De Lacey and the monster. Upon seeing him they react with horror and Conternation. When Felix struck the monster violently with a stick, we feel greatly sympathetic towards him as he was not given the chance to prove himself the way had done to the old man. Shelleys use of this anti-climax reflects the monsters disappointment at the outcome of his plan and helps the reader to empathise with him. This empathy is also created through his language, as he expresses his feelings of pain and anguish and how his heart sank within him as with bitter sickness. The fact that he could have torn [Felix] limb from limb but refrained, conveys how defeated he feels at the loss of his only chance of being accepted by his protectors, who have now become his attackers. The monsters final appearance in the novel shows his reaction to seeing his creators dead body. He is immediately filled with remorse for his crimes and begs for Frankensteins forgiveness: Oh Frankenstein! Generous and self-devoted being! What does it avail that I now ask thee to pardon me? The fact that the monster mourns his creators death, after Frankenstein had shown him nothing but rejection and hatred, shows that the monster is a very compassionate creature. This helps us to feel that we can still sympathise with monster, despite his crimes, as it reassures us that it was the cruelty that life had dealt him which drove him to commit these murders. I think Shelley wanted us to realise that Frankenstein was not born evil; it was the brutal treatment he received by mankind that turned him to be bitter and resentful. Perhaps Shelleys intended to convey that society could have this same effect on anyone, and urge readers to think of the consequences that their actions could have on the lives of others. Or perhaps Shelley is simply urging us not to judge a book by its cover, as the monster is judged solely on his appearance throughout the novel. More specifically, this could be aimed at scientists, like Frankenstein, warning them to think of the potential consequences of their work. Although Shelleys motive for this novel is unclear, evidently she intended for her novel to teach readers a lesson, and I feel the sympathy she creates for the monster helps us to appreciate the value of these lessons.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Microsoft IT Certification Tracks :: essays research papers

Introduction: The Microsoft IT1 certification tracks, is a complete program that provides students with the Internet technology skills essential in a universal economy. Microsoft Certifications delivers class-based learning, online examinations, student follow ups, labs, instructor training and support. Launched in 1995 in the USA, the Microsoft Certifications spread to more than 200 countries and all over the United States and Canada. Over 1.000.000 students have enrolled at more than 16000 training centers. Microsoft trains the training Centers on how to train teachers how to train student the Microsoft tracks. Microsoft’s partners from business, government and education form community which delivers the range of services and support needed to grow tomorrow's Microsoft generation. Initially created to prepare students for the MCSA (Microsoft Certified System Administrator), MSCE (Microsoft Certified System Engineer), MCDBA (Microsoft Certified Database Administrator), and MCAD (Microsoft Certified Application Developer) certifications, it now expanded to include lower level courses. Some of the courses include: Web design; Web mastering and Windows Essentials; The Internet enables anytime, anywhere learning for all students, regardless of location, religion, gender, or race. The Microsoft Certifications track is continually updated. It includes the latest Microsoft software and OS. For example in MCSE it all started with Windows NT then was updated with windows 2000 and recently the released the windows XP version. The Internet has the power to change the way people learn, work, and play, and the Microsoft Certifications Tracks is the leading in providing, facilitating and transforming to this new way of education. Redefining IT: Network efficiencies, interactivity, multimedia, personalization, and network widening, made Microsoft come up with a multiple choice of courses to let workers and students have more efficiency, knowledge and specialization in the different IT tasks. The Microsoft courses integrate e-learning applications for authoring, management, and assessment with rich media content, delivery, and a network infrastructure. Implemented as the e-learning environment of the Microsoft IT certification Tracks in 1998. It brought many important new capabilities. These include global scalability, lack of extensive integration needed for implementation, a distributed architecture with sophisticated caching to avoid latency, the ability to deliver rich media and interactive components seamlessly, a clearly defined pedagogical hierarchy for authoring, personalized feedback, and the use of Web-based open standards. The Microsoft IT Certification tracks, is a worldwide effort designed to teach Internet technology skills to youth and adults. The Microsoft Certification track is also helping to transform education as the world's largest e-learning laboratory.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Unit 3 Health and Safety Describe How Key Legislation in Relation to Health, Safety and Security Influence Health and Social Care Delivery.

Unit 3 health and safety Describe how key legislation in relation to health, safety and security influence health and social care delivery. Health and social care settings are covered by specific legislation and laws from the government to enable the care setting is operating the optimum way. Acts like the Health and safety at work act (1974) this act applies to all workplaces and it pull all the laws together so that all organisations were covered by the same legislation. However there are other regulations that apply to specific areas of work. These are The food safety act 1990 This act ensures that all food complies with the food safety act and its definition which includes drinks and chewing gum. There are four major offences in this act. – Making food dangerous to health deliberately or accidentally (adding things to food) – Selling food that does not complies with the food safety requirement being unfit for human consumption. – Selling food that is not of t he nature or quality required by the consumer. – Falsely describing, labelling or advertising food and food products. †¢ safety (general food hygiene) regulations 1995 This act ensures all food is handled correctly, the area where food is prepared must be clean, hands must be washed, hair should be covered, separate work areas should be used to prevent cross contamination of cooked and raw food. Following this regulation is especially important in health and social care settings as service users may be vulnerable. †¢ Reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations (RIDDOR)1995 The RIDDOR regulation applies to all places of work, but not to all work incidents need to be reported. Incidents that need to be reported are ones that happened because of the work the people were doing. To be serious enough to be reported under RIDDOR an accident would have to result in an employee: -dying -injuries resulting in 3 days or more off from work – suffering from major injuries like fractured bones (these exclude fractures to the fingers, thumbs or toes), amputation of limbs and dislocation. †¢ Control of substances hazardous to health regulation (COSHH) 2002. This legislation was introduced in 2002 and covers the use and storage of chemicals. All health and social care services have to ensure that their working environment is safe and can not harm the service users or care professionals. An example of this would be at a nursery cleaning products like bleach being left in the reach of children. †¢ Manual handling operations regulations 1992 This act promotes safer moving and handling and appropriate use of equipment for example using lifts to help service users in an out of the bath instead of trying to live a service user by hand. This is an important act in health and social care because it prevents injuries to service users or care employees †¢ Data protection act 1998 This act protects individual’s rights to their personal data being stored. This act covers the processing, gathering, storing and sharing of an individual’s data. This is important in health and social care settings as service users information is used daily. When sharing an individual’s personal data consent to the sharing of their data is needed. Management of health and safety at work regulations 1999 This regulation requires employers to carry out regular risk assessments, look at changes and then re-asses the risks as necessary. This is important in health and social care settings as care organisations have a duty to minimise to their service users. Unit 3 health and safety Describe how policies and procedures promote health, safety and security in a health and social care workplace. Whilst on work experience at Jubilee children centre I was informed on a number of different policies and procedures. I was shown where the first aid box was and shown a book that I would have to write in if I injured myself this comes under (RIDDOR). The nursery officer told me that all the staff where qualified first aiders. Names of staff and children were registered in the morning as a safety precaution and also as a fire procedure. This is to ensure that all people present in the nursery can be accounted for in the event of a fire. A safety gate to the nursery had to be closed at all times and

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Blake’s Poetry is multivocal, allusive and intertextual rather than directly expressive

â€Å"Blake's Poetry is multivocal, allusive and intertextual rather than directly expressive; philosophic rather than immediately intelligible.† With this assertion as a point of departure I will present a critical discussion of the two poems, ‘The Lamb' and ‘The Tyger' from ‘Songs of Innocence' and ‘Songs of Experience' respectively, paying attention to both form and content. The two poems offered here from ‘Songs of Innocence' and ‘Songs of Experience' clearly support the statement that Blake's poetry is multivocal, allusive and intertextual. Both ‘The Lamb' and ‘The Tyger' seem to be alluding to certain social norms and perceptions of the time when they were written and the two of them both clearly express different feelings or opinions of the forces at play in the world around us. The two poems are clearly inter-related as they both seem to offer contrasting opinions of the nature of beings and their creators, and because of the direct reference made to the lamb in the poem ‘The Tyger'. Upon closer inspection of the poem ‘The Lamb', we see, in lines 5 to 8, Blake offering an almost serene description of a lamb. Describing the lamb in terms of its tender voice which makes all the vales rejoice, its soft woolly coat being that of delight, and its feeding â€Å"by the stream & o'er the mead† (Watson 1992: 133). Blake uses very soft and mostly monosyllabic words to create a very sombre and tender mood in this poem. The mild tone of the poem adds much to the beauteous image of the lamb that is being created. Throughout the description of the beauty of the lamb the question is also being posed of who created the lamb, as is evident in the opening two lines of the poem â€Å"Little Lamb, who made thee?†/†Dost thou know who made thee?† and by asking who gave the lamb all its beautiful qualities. The second verse of the poem offers an answer to the question of who created the lamb. The creator, God, is alluded to as an answer by saying that he calls himself a lamb and that he became a little child. Watson (1992: 133) presents the facts that â€Å"the God who made the lamb is called a lamb Himself, because He was crucified (‘Worthy is the Lamb that was slain')†, and that â€Å"He became a little child at the incarnation.† Referring to the creator as ‘meek and mild' continues the serene feeling within the poem that was created at the description of the lamb, and adds to the already blissful view of the lamb because of the fact that they share a name. By looking at the social circumstances of the time when this poem was written, a time of great social and political revolution, where views of authority and people's own self-worth were changing, it becomes possible to give an interpretation of the poem ‘The Lamb' based on these social circumstances. The idea of the lamb and the child both having a name that, at different times, were used as a reference to Jesus Christ could be seen as an allusive way of Blake trying to express the fact that all creatures were created in God's own image of himself. This point serves to enhance the fact that all people, animals and other earthly beings all have equal self-worth within the world. So at a time when people were revolting against the Catholic Churches control over them this poem could be seen as an attempt to highlight the fact that all people are equal and deserve to be treated as equals. If God created all living creatures in his perfect image of himself, which is a Christian beli ef, then all people should be granted the same status as each other. In contrast to ‘The Lamb' we find its counterpart from ‘Songs of Experience' – ‘The Tyger'. In this poem, as in ‘The Lamb', there is a question of the â€Å"unseen power behind the tiger† (Watson 1992: 146). The difference behind the questioning in this poem is the mood that the questions create. The mood is not peaceful and serene as it is in ‘The Lamb', but rather the questioning here almost gives the reader a feeling of anger and aghastness at the thought of the same creator who created the lamb creating a creature so fearful as the tiger. The continued use of the word ‘dare' leaves the reader feeling as if the whole creation of the tiger was a shameful act. Lines such as â€Å"On what wings dare he aspire†, â€Å"what the hand, dare seize the fire†, and â€Å"what immortal hand or eye/dare frame thy fearful symmetry† all help to create and complement this feeling. From the following verse the reader is left with the sense that even the stars were angered and upset at the creation of the tiger: When the stars threw down their spears, And water'd heaven with their tears, Did he smile his work to see? Did he who made the lamb make thee? The image of stars throwing their spears and letting their tears fall in heaven, the place where the creator, God, is believed to reside upon, leads perfectly up to the question â€Å"did he smile his work to see?† Here the question is posed as to whether the creator was happy and satisfied at his creation of the tiger. Then, in the very next breath, the question is offered as to whether it is the same creator who created both the lamb and the tiger. Thus leaving the reader thinking how it can possibly be that a divine creator can create two such opposite creatures in this world. Turning back to the social context of the time when the two poems were written it is possible then to read two contrasting lines, one from each poem, as direct metaphors for society itself. Firstly, from ‘The Tyger' – line 2 – â€Å"in the forests of the night†, and secondly, from ‘The Lamb' – line 4 – â€Å"by the stream and o'er the mead†. The possibility exists that Blake was expressing his fear of the existing society in ‘The Tyger' by describing it as a â€Å"forest of the night†, which creates very dark, almost dangerous images of the existing society where one would not find much hope of serenity. The contrasting line from ‘The Lamb', where society can be compared to a stream and a mead can be seen as Blake expressing his hope for society becoming a place as peaceful and beauteous as a stream or a mead. The tiger then can be related to the people who have control over society at this time. Those people who have ‘twisted sinews of the heart' and who's ‘dreaded grasp' instil ‘deadly terrors' into the people who they attempt to control. The revolution then can have its metaphor in ‘The Lamb' where the fears of the people can be replaced by the hope of a life where the ‘vales rejoice' at the ‘softness' and ‘tenderness' of a ‘delightful' life. In ‘The Lamb' Blake is perhaps expressing a child like innocence at the thought of living life in the perfect image that God has created for man. Moving on to ‘The Tyger' Blake might be showing us that with experience our views of the world around us and the way that we exist within it are much harsher than what a child would dream it to be. These two poems are both written in the form of a lyric and are done so in order for Blake to express his immediate thoughts and feelings at a specific point in time. The fairly short length of the poems and the simple rhyming schemes, coupled with the contrasting choice of words in each respective poem add to the immediate effect of the feelings, images and moods created within the poems. The inter-relatedness of the two poems gives the reader a very complete feeling of the mood surrounding the time when they were written. Blake's poetry is clearly philosophic in all concerns and cannot be seen as directly expressive or immediately intelligible. The allusiveness and inter-relatedness of his poetry is clearly expressed in the two poems ‘The Lamb' and ‘the Tyger' form ‘Songs of Innocence' and ‘Songs of Experience' respectively. These two poems present two contrasting views of a world and a creator that we are all inextricably tied to but all experience under different social and political conditions and are all able to understand and experience completely differently.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

King George III Essays - House Of Hanover, Royal Botanic Gardens

King George III Essays - House Of Hanover, Royal Botanic Gardens King George III England has never produced a ruler quite like King George III. Often called the mad king. George III is one of the most interesting figures in history. One of the most active rulers in his time, George III, despite his disabilities, has seen England and America through the French Indian war, and the American Revolution. Unlike his grandfather George II, George III actively participated in the running of Great Britain. Government was one of his great passions in life. He owed much of his involvement in politics to his mother, Princess Augusta of Saxe-Gotha, who raised him to be an active king, a ruling power, rather than a head figure. ?Be a King, George!? his mother said. Never having a chance to be a queen herself, Princess Augusta, tried to rule through her young son. Her husband, Frederick, died while still holding the position of, Prince of Whales. Princess Augusta tried to rule through her son, after all, when he became king, in 1760, he was only 22. She saw the power of government slip into the hands of Parliament, during the reign of George I, and George II. This was in part a result of lack of communication. George I spoke French and made little effort to learn the English language, and his son George II made no effort at all to learn English. They were both content to leave the workings of government to their ministers, while they remained king in name only. But now came this young George III, setting out ?to eradicate the deep system of ministerial power?and to fulfill the executive trust vested in him by the laws He wanted to take the reins of government, and put the power back into the royal family. He did not eliviate the ministers, and Parliament entirely, but they did have to go through him whenever an important decision was to be made. Of course the ministers did not like this new approach to things. George III lead an active life, he enjoyed outdoor activities such as farming, horse back riding, and hunting. Another unusual characteristic of this new king was his loyalty to his wife, Charlotte of Mecklenbu-Strelitz. It is very common for English kings to have many mistresses throughout the course of their reign. Queen Charlotte was not the woman that George wanted to marry, his heart belonged to Lady Sarah Lennox, but he remained loyal to his wife even though she was not the woman he loved. George?s advisor, John Stuart, Earl of Bute, advised that George not marry for love, but instead marry royalty. George followed his advice, and became devoted to Queen Charlotte. He gave her six daughters and nine sons, a total of fifteen children. George was only 26 when he had his first attack of insanity. Historians now believe that George III wasn?t mad at all; he had a physical disease know as hepatic porphyria. Porphyria is a genetic metabolic anomaly ?due to overproduction of the porphyrin precursors?An increased quantity of porphobilinogen (and porphyrins) accumulates in the liver.? Porphyria is chronic, it is hereditary, and has side effects such as delirium, hallucinations, psychoses, anxiety, irritability, confusion, and restlessness. In other words George may have been a victim of a physical disease, but he was still a madman. George was very upset by the colonists reaction to the stamp act. He took their defiance personally, thinking that it was him they hated. George did not see why the colonists refused to pay this extremely low tax. He was infuriated by their subordinate behavior. His anger mounted with the Boston Tea Party in 1773, the battles of Lexington and Bunker Hill 1775, the Declaration of Independence in 1776, and the entrance into the war, on the colonists? side, of France, Spain, and Holland in 1778, 1779, and 1780. However, the loss of the American Revolution was not responsible for George?s insanity. As I?ve mentioned before, George suffered from Porphyria, and although certain aggravating events in history did enrage him they had nothing to do with his madness. George refused to speak to America?s new ambassador, John Adams. King George did not show the first signs of insanity until 1788. Such fits of insanity became

Monday, October 21, 2019

Introduction to Counselling Essay Essays

Introduction to Counselling Essay Essays Introduction to Counselling Essay Essay Introduction to Counselling Essay Essay Definition of a CounselorGuidance is about to give aid instead than advice. advice often means stating people what they should or ought to make. and this has no topographic point in reding. Counselors look at what is possible. but do non state clients what they should make. That would be the counselor taking control instead than the client deriving control. The primary difference between reding and other signifiers of assisting is the manner in which the counselor listens. A counselor should ever be factual within their notes. you should ever take notes after a session while fresh on your head. taking notes in a session can do clients to maybe experience disquieted or nervous on what you’reseting down and besides maintain you interested and proved to be listening. The difference between advice. counsel and guidance Advice: Chiefly a one-way exchange. giving an sentiment. doing a opinion. doing a recommendation =Persuasive. Guidance: Chiefly a one-way exchange. demoing the manner. educating. act uponing. teaching =Encouraging. Skills of a counselor Every individual who uses reding accomplishments is designated a counselor. We can separate two wide groups of people who use reding accomplishments. people who are called counselors who engage in reding as a distinguishable business and others who use reding accomplishments as portion of their other accomplishments. They would be temporarily in the function. for illustration we go to our physician for something medical or a head-shrinker for something spiritually incorrect these set up a assisting relationship. What they offer is non reding nevertheless they use reding accomplishments. they may besides be trained counselors so the dividing line is non clear cut. The difference is that the individual knows when guidance is taking topographic point and has agreed to it. Other accomplishments you pick up on when reding are: * Respecting personal infinite* maintaining legs uncrossed and sitting relaxed* Being unfastened with organic structure linguistic communication.* Bringing your organic structure in to speak is being interested and sitting back shows you’re interested and engaged. * Memory is the key.* Try non to speak with custodies or sit on them.* Clothing can be insouciant but formal depending on where you work * Puting a good first feeling is of import* Keep facial looks to a minimal show look but bound to how much. * Eye contact should be minimum maintain eyes traveling around the face * Think about distractions before your client arrives * Keep your client informed on what we’re traveling to make and non make. * Being agreeable and willing to be at that place. and most significantly assisting yourclient to acquire back on path. Valuess of reding and psychotherapeutics Valuess inform principals. They represent the of import manner of showing a general ethical committedness that becomes more exactly defined and action-orientated when expressed as a principal. At all times counselors must demo a committedness to:Respecting human rights and self-respectProtecting the safety of clientsSing the unity of practitioner/client relationshipsEnhancing the quality of professional cognition and its application Alleviating personal hurt and agonyFostering a sense of ego that is meaningful to the individual ( s ) concerned Increasing personal effectivityEnhancing the quality of relationships between peopleAppreciating the assortment of human experience between peopleEndeavoring for the just and equal proviso of guidance and psychotherapeutics services Ethical rules of reding and psychotherapeutics Principles direct attending to of import ethical duties. there are six ethical rules that are used which besides help on doing determinations when looking over them. they are as follows: * Being trusty – honoring the trust placed in the practician. he’s to constructing good apprehension and helps your client being able to open up if the trust is at that place. * Autonomy – regard for the clients to be autonomous. this is of import to let and assist our client to derive their ability to be self-directing. * Beneficence – a committedness to advancing the clients well-being. ever moving in the best involvements of the client based on professional appraisal. * Non-maleficence – a committedness to avoiding injury to the client. make non take advantage of the client at their most vulnerable portion in their life i. e. sexual. fiscal. emotional or any other signifier of client development. * Justice – the just and impartial intervention of all clients and the proviso of equal services. a committedness to fairness requires the ability to appreciate differences between people and to be committed to equality of chance. and avoiding favoritism against people or groups contrary to their legitimate personal or societal features. * Self-respect – furthering the practitioner’s self-knowledge and attention for ego. seeking guidance or therapy and other chances for personal development as required. The practitioner’s personal moral qualities are of the extreme importance to clients. Personal moral qualities The practitioner’s personal moral qualities are of the extreme importance to clients. Many of the personal qualities considered of import in the proviso of services have an ethical or moral constituent and hence considered as virtuousnesss or good personal qualities. It is inappropriate to order that all practicians possess these qualities. since it is cardinal that these personal qualities are profoundly rooted in the individual concerned and developed out of personal committedness instead than the demand of an external authorization. Personal qualities to which counselors and clinical psychologists are strongly encouraged to draw a bead on include: Empathy: The ability to pass on apprehension of another person’s experience from that person’s position. Understand and allowing them know that you understand Sincerity: a personal committedness to consistence between what is professed and what is done. Bing honest. stating something and significance it. Bing able to be sincere and listen to your client instead than speaking. Integrity: committedness to being moral in traffics with others. personal downrightness. honestness and coherency. Trust is really of import. Resilience: the capacity to work with the client’s concerns without being personally diminished. Bing able to hear what your client is stating to you and being able to remain at that place and non experiencing the demand to go forth or shout with your client because of their narrative you are hearing. being able to keep your ain. Respect: screening appropriate regards to others and their apprehension of themselves. Appropriate regard and understanding themselves. esteem that the individual respects themselves. Not judging why they got to that point and assist them understand why they got to this point. Humility: the ability to measure accurately and admit one’s ain strengths and failings. Believing your good at something. work towards non experiencing that you’re put down and low. Competence: the effectual deployment of the accomplishments and cognition needed to make what is required. Keep bettering accomplishments. cognizing you know what you are making but you can construct on it. Fairness: the consistent application of appropriate standards to inform determinations and actions. Knowing your able to run into your clients’ demands and if non discourse you could mention them to person else. besides about being just to self. do certain your ever being just to your clients in the determinations you make. Wisdom: ownership of sound opinion that informs pattern. Sound opinion. understanding boundaries. Courage: the capacity to move in malice of known frights. hazards and uncertainness. To be able to sit and listen to your client’s narrative. holding the bravery to be honest to your client. Non-verbal communicating Awareness of non-verbal communicating between the hearer and the speaker ; we try to be cognizant of how we use our ain organic structures and how the speaker uses their organic structure to pass on. * Eye contact – maintain oculus contact minimum and traveling around the face. * Facial look – show look but be restricting to how much you show. * Body position – maintain legs uncrossed and organic structure directly. maintain organic structure linguistic communication unfastened. * Body motion – convey your organic structure out to demo you’re interested and convey organic structure in when you’re truly taking in what your client is stating. * Head nodding – is a strong thing to makeshows your hearing. * Proximity/position of chairs – placement of the chairs is of import as non to be directed in forepart of each other. Why we use this accomplishment?* To demo speaker that the hearer is paying attending.* To seek to pass on that the hearer is present.* To make a warm environment.* To promote the speaker to open up.* To get down to construct a trusting relationship. Minimal encouragers Minimal encouragers are a signifier of verbal communicating. They are brief sentences or a individual word. Examples include: * ‘Go on’* ‘Tell me more’* ‘And’* ‘Because’* ‘Mmm†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ . ’* ‘Ah ha’* ‘Oh’ Using some of your minimum encouragers will assist to maintain your client speaking and motivate them to go on in at that place narrative. * To demo the speaker that the hearer is paying attending. * To pass on that the hearer is present. * To promote the speaker to go on their narrative. Reflecting A contemplation is offering back what the speaker has said but it includes the feeling that the hearer thinks was communicated. Feelingss might be contained in the words the speaker is utilizing or feelings might besides demo themselves in how the speaker presents i. e. looking sad or demoing that they are angry. Why we use this accomplishment? * To look into or demo that the hearer has understood.Gives client assurance that the hearer is really paying attending in what the client is stating * To assist the speaker become cognizant of their feelings.Gives the client the option of detecting what they are really experiencing for themselves. * To work nearer in the relationship.Deriving your clients swear to construct a relationship. * To make a sense of familiarity.As your leting your client to hear what they are stating and demoing that the feeling you may be supplying them with helps them to cognize you are genuinely listening to them. Paraphrasing Paraphrasing is to offer back in a few words what the speaker has said in order to look into understanding and pass on your attending. Paraphrasing can be good to assist your client to hear what they have said and they know you have heard what they have said. Helps to demo you are seeking to understand what your client is stating. Why we use this accomplishment? To give the speaker an chance to hear back what they are stating. As it can be really helpful for your client to hear back what they have said. To cheque or show that the hearer has understood. It besides gives your client assurance that you have listened and heard what they have to state. To invite farther geographic expedition of the talker’s narrative.It helps your client possibly experience more confident and unfastened to speak more freely. Example:Speaker:It’s been a unsmooth hebdomad. I’ve done nil but argue with my spouse. the house has been burgled. there’s bad intelligence from the hospital†¦at least I got a win on the scratch-card. Listener 1: You got a win on the scratch-card Listener 2: It’s been a unsmooth hebdomad.Listener 3: You’ve been reasoning with your spouse What do you believe of the different listener’s responses? I think listener 2 is a much better response to what the client has said as foliages the narrative unfastened for the client to make up ones mind where they want to travel following. What do the responses say about the listener’s points of position? Listener 1 ) is really in appropriate as rather a few bad things gone on for your client. Listener 2 ) leaves it unfastened for your client to take what to speak about Listener 3 ) is besides a good thing to state but doesn’t give the client a opportunity truly to make up ones mind what they would prefer to speak about. * What other responses can you believe of? Possibly figure 2 ) but besides ask client to depict possibly the worst portion about the hebdomad? Summarizing A sum-up is an overview of what the speaker has been speaking about during the session. A drumhead can be used during the session every bit good as to stop the session. Think about the chief points of a session and state it back to your client. Summarizing truly helps allowing your client cognize you are truly listening and heard what they have said. Knowing if a silence is that your client is believing. or gone quiet as possibly a spot lost so you could recap what your client has told you. Re cresting can assist to get down your client speaking once more. Near the terminal of a session say to your client you have a few proceedingss left so let’s summarise and the choice out points. one time relayed back inquire your client if they would wish to add anything else. Why we use this accomplishment? * To pass on that the hearer has heard and understood the content of the session. * To garner of import points together.* To assist the speaker decide which points they want to speak about in more item. * To assist the speaker if they are stuck. traveling unit of ammunition in circles. confused or if the session needs traveling frontward. Reding Contract Place. clip. day of the monthsNumber of SessionssConfidentiality and restrictionsSupervision and note pickingsModel of reding usedFees and cancellation agreementsOut of session contactHaving a contract helps your client to cognize what’s expected of them. besides what is traveling to go on. Confidentiality and restrictionsOffering confidentiality is portion of a counsellor’s contract with their clients but there are bounds to this at which point further action will be needed. What are the bounds?At hazard – a individual. who is deemed to be at hazard to self or others. so could be speaking about harming his ego or others. Children – any kid at hazard of maltreatment. possibly a spouse aching or mistreating the kid. Vulnerable individuals – vulnerable people at hazard of maltreatment. by client or there spouse. Terrorism Act – there is a terrorist act hotline figure. for case if person said they were taking a bomb to the promenade ECT. If work ing for an bureau you would follow their guidelines around confidentiality. If at any clip you hear you client speak about any of the bounds you have discussed. you need to do your client cognizant that you have to interrupt the confidentiality. Other bounds include: Supervision – client stuff discussed with a supervisor. although this could be discussed with clients permission about their instance but non advert at that place name. Note-keeping – brief and factual notes made after each session. as a client has the rights to inquire for their notes to see.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

What Are the US Military Colleges Should You Go

What Are the US Military Colleges Should You Go SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips For those students who aspire to get military training and earn a college degree, there are a number of colleges in the United States that are designed for you to pursue your military and educational goals simultaneously. There are three primary types of US military colleges: service academies, Senior Military Colleges, and Military Junior Colleges. In this article, I'll describe each type of military college and explain the differences between them. Furthermore, I'll help you determine which type of college may be best for you. What Are US Military Colleges? Military colleges offer a combination of military instruction and higher education. Attending a military college can giveyou the opportunity to get a college education and a military job after getting your degree; some military colleges even require you to serve in the military after graduation. As I mentioned above, military colleges can be separated into service academies, Senior Military Colleges, and Military Junior Colleges. The 5 US Service Academies The service academies are a great option for students who know they want to pursue a college education and serve in the military. There are five Service Academies, each dedicated to a different branch of the armed services: US Military Academy(West Point, NY) US Naval Academy(Annapolis, MD) US Air Force Academy (Colorado Springs, CO) US Coast Guard Academy(New London, CT) US Merchant Marine Academy (Kings Point, NY) Graduates of the service academies receive a Bachelor of Science, are commissioned as officers in their branch, and are required to serve for a minimum of five years after graduation. Getting In to the Service Academies The service academies are very selective schools, and all of the academies, except the Coast Guard, require a congressional letter of recommendation to gain admission. Students also have to submittypical requirements ofa college application (application, transcript, test scores, recommendations, and college essay), applicants to the service academies have to pass a medical exam and take a fitness assessment. The Air Force Academy and Naval Academy require interviews as well. You’ll primarily be evaluated on your high school academic performance, test scores, and extracurricular achievement. The service academies are fond of students who have pursued leadership positions and shown a commitment to their communities. Also, they appreciate students who have excelled athletically and have obtained awards and leadership positions on their sports teams. Cost Financially, the service academies are undoubtedly an incredible deal. Tuition, books, board, medical, and dental care are fully paid for all four years. Additionally, you receive a monthly stipend to cover living expenses and pay for miscellaneous supplies. Service Academy Life In many respects, life for students at each of the military academies is very similar. The academies are known for being extremely strict, conservative, and requiring a great deal of discipline. Underclassmen, especially, have very little freedom. They're rarely allowed to leave campus, and there are harsh rules and punishments regarding drinking and drug use. Typically, service academy students have mandatory activities from around 6:00 AM-8:00 PM. Then, they start studying and doing homework. Furthermore, they only get a few weeks of summer vacation as opposed to the three months students get at regular colleges. Service academy students don’t get much freedom or free time, but they tend to get a great education, a unique bonding experience with their peers, and many future opportunities. In fact, Navy, Army, and Air Force placed in the top 15 of Payscale's best universities and colleges by salary potential. The academies also emphasize athletics. Students have to participate in varsity or intramural sports, and students are required to attend home football games. The major differences between the academies arerelated to their locations and the respective branches they’re preparing you to serve in. Also, Coast Guard and the Merchant Marine Academy are much smaller than the other three academies. Now, I’ll provide an overview of each of the academies to give you an idea of what makes each one unique and what you’ll have to do to get admitted. As part of each description,I summarized student reviews that come from Niche, a website that ranks and reviews schools. Army commencement (The U.S. Army/Flickr) US Military Academy Also known as Army or West Point, the US Military Academy was founded in 1802 and trains cadets to become Army officers. It’s located in West Point, NY, which is about 50 miles from New York City. Fast Facts Location: West Point, NY Undergraduate enrollment: 4,389 Acceptance rate: 9% Average GPA: 3.74 Average SAT: 1272 Average ACT: 29 US News ranking: #12 National Liberal Arts Colleges Student Perspectives Students acknowledge that life for cadets is extremely stressful and busy, but many are grateful for their student experiences and that they're getting superb training for military careers. Also, they're appreciative of the friendships they've made during their time at West Point. On the negative side, some lament their decision to go there because of the lack of freedom and draconian rules. US Naval Academy US Naval Academy students are trained to become officers in the Navy and Marine Corps. Naval Academy students are on active duty in the US Navy. The Academy is located in Annapolis, MD, where the Severn River flows into the ChesapeakeBay. It’s about an hour from Washington, DC. Fast Facts Location: Annapolis, MD Undergraduate enrollment: 4,526 Acceptance rate: 8% Average GPA: 3.86 Average SAT: 1360 Average ACT: 29 US News ranking: #21 National Liberal Arts Colleges Student Perspectives Many Naval Academy students enjoy the challenges that service academy life poses and the education they receive at Navy. They also tout the bonds they form with their peers, and they're grateful for the financial benefits and summer trainingthey have an opportunity to receive. However, some believe that the monotony and rigor of daily life can extinguish their passions and wear them down. It's a Naval Academy wedding. (Lawrence OP/Flickr) US Air Force Academy The Air Force Academy trains cadets to become officers in the Air Force. The Academy is located in Colorado Springs, CO. Fast Facts Location: Colorado Springs, CO Undergraduate enrollment: 4,237 Acceptance rate: 12% Average GPA: 3.83 Average SAT: 1314 Average ACT: 30 US News ranking: #26 National Liberal Arts Colleges Student Perspectives The students comment on the harsh rules and how it can be hard to adjust to the challenges if you're not from a military background. Many appreciate the bonds they've made and their teachers, but they seem to be looking forward more to the advantages they'll get as graduates of Air Force than enjoying their time there. US Coast Guard Academy The Coast Guard is the smallest of the service academies. Graduates become officers in the Coast Guard. It’s located in New London, CT, which is about two hours from Boston and New York City. Fast Facts Location: New London, CT Undergraduate enrollment: 988 Acceptance rate: 16% Average GPA: 3.92 Average SAT: 1882 Average ACT: 28 US News ranking: #2 Regional Colleges (North) Student Perspectives Students believe it's hard to fulfill all of their obligations and try to have a social life. However, they appreciate the education and future opportunities they're being given. Furthermore, they're complimentary of their teachers. Coast Guard fun (US Coast Guard Academy/Flickr) US Merchant Marine Academy The US Merchant Marine Academy graduates licensed Merchant Marine Officers. The Merchant Marine is a fleet of ships that carries imports and exports during peacetime, and it becomes a naval auxiliary during times of war. The Academy is located in Kings Point, NY, about 20 miles east of New York City. Fast Facts Location: Kings Point, NY Undergraduate enrollment: 923 Acceptance rate: 15% Average GPA: 3.6 Average SAT: 1268 Average ACT: 28 US News ranking: #3 Regional Colleges (North) Student Perspectives Again, students here acknowledge the rigors of service academy life. They accept that they have more responsibilities and are busier than regular college students. One unique component of the Merchant Marine Academy that students praised is Sea Year, which is a program during their sophomore and junior years when they train on vessels and get to travel the world. Senior Military Colleges Senior military colleges give students the option to pursue military training while they’re in college. There are six military colleges: Texas AM Norwich University Virginia Military Institute The Citadel Virginia Tech University of North Georgia Additionally, the Virginia Women’s Institute for Leadership at Mary Baldwin College has an affiliated program. At The Citadel and Virginia Military Institute, all students must become cadets, which means they’re part of the military training program. At the other colleges, students can be regular civilian students or join the Corps of Cadets. Those who become cadets have a similar schedule and experience as students at the service academies. They have to keep to a strict schedule, have similar rules, and must undergo physical and military training. Every cadet must enter the Corps of Cadets and the Reserve Officer Training Corps. At SMCs, cadets live in their own dorms and by a different set of rules, whichROTC students at traditional four-year colleges aren't subject to. Unlike the service academies, at Senior Military Colleges, there is no service requirement after graduation unless you receive an ROTC scholarship. Members of the Texas AM Corps of Cadets get to rock these boots. (bk1bennett/Flickr) Getting Into Senior Military Colleges Generally, when applying to SMCs, you have to submit an application, personal essay, transcript, and standardized test scores. You’ll be evaluated on your academic performance and extracurricular achievements. The selectivity of the SMCs varies, but generally, if you meet their average GPA and standardized test scores, you have a good chance of getting accepted. Virginia Tech has an average GPA of 3.66, an average ACT score of 27, and accepts 70% of applicants. The Citadel has an average GPA of 3.5, an average ACT score of 23, and accepts 80% of applicants. SMCs that give you the option whether or not to join the Corps of Cadets have different application procedures. At Texas AM, you have to be accepted to the university as a regular student before you join the Corps of Cadets. At Virginia Tech, you indicate on your application if you’re intending to join the Corps. However, if you end up deciding not to join after stating your intention to do so, your application will be reevaluated. Cost Also, a big difference between the service academies and senior military colleges is that you don’t receive the financial benefits of the academies or get a full-ride scholarship for attending an SMC. For the 2017-2018 school year, The University of North Georgia was roughly $20,000 annually for cadets. At Virginia Tech, the cost for in-state students was also about $23,000, but it was about $40,000 for out-of-state students. However, there are grants and ROTC scholarships available to cadets. Additionally, you can apply for need-based financial aid. Military Junior Colleges Military Junior Colleges are two-year colleges that allow cadets to become commissioned officers in the Army Reserves through the Early Commissioning Program after finishing the program. At the completion of the program, students will also receive an associate degree. The students must still go on to get a bachelor’s degree at a four-year college to serve as a regular officer in active duty. However, while students are getting their four-year degrees, they can serve as reserve officers to help advance their military careers. Some Military Junior Colleges offer other programs in addition to the Early Commissioning Program like the Service Academy Preparation Program, which offers students one year of preparation to transfer to a service academy. Other schools will offer two years of a cadet/ROTC program independent of an Early Commissioning Program. There are five Military Junior Colleges in the US: Wentworth Military Academy Valley Forge Military Academy and College Marion Military Institute New Mexico Military Institute Georgia Military College Getting Into Military Junior Colleges Military Junior Colleges require you to submit an application, your high school transcript, and some require SAT/ACT scores. Even those schools that don’t require standardized test scores may use them for placement purposes. If you want to enter an Early Commissioning Program, there are minimum GPA and SAT/ACT requirements that vary by school. If you have a 2.5 GPA and a 920 SAT score or a 19 ACT score, you’ll meet the minimum requirements for all of the programs. Additionally, for an ECP, you need to pass a medical exam, the Army Physical Fitness Test, and you must complete military training after high school. You can do Cadet Initial Entry Training in the summer after high school before enrolling in the ECP. Cost The costs of Military Junior Colleges vary. At Wentworth Military Academy, a private college, the full cost of attendance is over $32,000 annually. However, there are scholarships and grants available. For example, if you receive a Military Junior College Scholarship, you’ll have full tuition and fees paid, and you’ll receive money for books, your uniform, and a monthly stipend. Additionally, Wentworth will cover room and board costs. New Mexico Military Institute, a state-funded college, costs about $20,000 for in-state students. Again, there are numerous scholarship opportunities and you can apply for financial aid. Is a Military College Right for You? There are a number of factors to consider before you commit to attending a military college as opposed to going to a regular college. Most importantly, how motivated are you to get military training and serve in the military? If you're not fully enthusiastic about serving, you should think twice before deciding to attend a school that requires you to spend years serving in the military after you graduate. Also, can you handle the incredibly structured and disciplined environment of military colleges? Do you need more free time and a laid back environment, or are you excited by the thought of getting pushed physically and academically? Do you want to feel the unique camaraderie you'll experience with fellow cadets? Personally, I briefly considered attending West Point. I was recruited by Army for gymnastics, and when the coach called me and sold the academy to me, I was intrigued. The financial and potential professional benefits of going to Army sounded great. However, I hadn't ever considered joining the military previously and I was hesitant to commit to the five years after graduating. Also, I didn't think I would thrive in such a strict environment; I wanted more freedom to pursue my varied interests. How to Choose Which Type of College Is Right for You If you’re interested in military training and getting a college education, you have a number of choices. On top of the service academies, Senior Military Colleges, and Military Junior Colleges, you can join an ROTC at another college or join a cadet program at some maritime colleges. There are a number of factors to consider when deciding which type of school you want to attend: How committed are you to pursuing a career in the military? If you're completely sure that you want to serve in the military after college, then the service academies may be a good option for you. If you're interested in military training but haven't fully committed to a military career, then perhaps a Senior Military College would be better for you. Do you want to be around civilian students or immerse yourself in a military environment with other cadets? If you want the balance of feeling like a normal college student and get military training, then joining an ROTC program at a traditional college is probably your best option. If you want to be in an environment that is completely dedicated to preparing you to serve as a military officer and share that experience with your peers, then you may want to attend a service academy. If you mostly want the military training experience but still want some exposure to regular college students, then maybe you should consider one of the SMCs that has non-cadet students. If you want a cadet experience and a regular college experience, you can go to a Military Junior College and then transfer to a 4-year college. Are you a competitive applicant? It's very difficult to get into the service academies. If you don't have excellent grades and test scores, you may not be able to secure a nomination or get into one of the academies. If you're not close to the average GPA or test scores for the academies, you may want to consider one of the less selective SMCs. Another option is to go to a Military Junior College, where you can join an Early Commissioning Program, or you can do a Service Academy Preparation Program if you're determined to go to a service academy. How do finances affect your decision? Hopefully, finances won't play too much of a role in your decision, but money is almost always a factor. Without grants or scholarships, the service academies offer the best financial deal by far. However, with financial aid, you may be able to get a comparable situation at a Senior Military College or a Junior Military College. How to Select a College On top of the type of school you decide to attend, it's important to select the specific college that's the best fit for you. Learn how to choose a college. Also, make sure you do ample college research before you apply. Some factors to consider as you’re doing your research are the location, undergraduate enrollment, selectivity, academic programs, and on-campus culture of the schools. You can use college websites, finders, guidebooks, ranking lists, and search websites to help with your research. Additionally, you may want to consult with counselors, teachers, current students, and alumni to help you with your college decision. What's Next? As you're navigating your way through the college selection process, learn how much it matters where you go to college. Also, you need to figure out where in the US you should go to college. Finally, you should check out this article for helpful advice about which colleges you should apply to. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Saturday, October 19, 2019

MyWorld Religion 'MWR' Creative Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

MyWorld Religion 'MWR' Creative - Essay Example religion merely on a physical level, assuming that it is worth just active involvement in church traditions which may compensate for any shortfall of character. This concept, however, sets believers to the perils of blindness toward genuine principles of truth which should be learned and understood by the heart. Hence, in this regard, I propose to establish belief in Faith-Centrism. Under this religion, there would be one God whose image or form is yet unknown but still an omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent entity anyone can speak to at any moment in all open spaces. There is no need for a firm embellished structure to house particular images or figures for which offerings must be made since worship by faith alone ought to be central and is not subject to judgment based on material possessions imparted. Faith-Centrism challenges a follower to exhibit true values of faith beyond public view or approval. For instance, showing compassion to someone in need is an act which, as much as possible, must not reap rewards by being seen and given any credit if faith must be kept pure. A believer is more spiritually attached when executing good deeds in secret because this way, he would be capable of meditative thought to weigh between pure and impure intentions. Moreover, Faith-Centrism shall have no administering priest to prevent the risks of formality people tend to become more focused on procedural custom rather than faith. It would be more appropriate to have organize brotherhood and sisterhood that would informally gather to share rich and colorful stories of faithful journeys in all walks of life. Any written code of ethic or conduct suitable should be personal and while I see it fit that the Bible or the Holy Scripture from the Christian tradition may proceed as the standard, nevertheless, a flexible interpretation is encouraged for all passages depending on how the biblical verses apply to one’s unique set of ways in dealing

The nurses Role in The prevention of health care associated infections Essay

The nurses Role in The prevention of health care associated infections - Essay Example The role of nurses in prevention of infections has been enhanced by including microbiology in their curriculum. The paper concludes that nurses prevent transmission of infections by exuding best practices in their profession. Role of Nurses in the Prevention of Infections Nurses have always been described as being an important assistant for doctors who acquire technical as well as task related skills. Nurses today are trained and educated in their fields and are registered so as to provide a high quality patient care. The job of a nurse requires great critical thinking skills and involves the complex diagnosis for patient’s safety. The role of a nurse involves the prevention of medication errors, the administration of drugs, and ensuring that the right therapy is being given to the patient (Greenwood, n.d.). Hence, although the role of a nurse is evolving greatly, their role is of vital importance for the prevention of infections associated with health care. Perhaps one of the major roles of a nurse is to ensure the patient’s safety by administering the right medicines, eliminating medication error, and ensuring the proper therapy that is relevant to a particular patient (Greenwood, n.d.). ... Care coordination, which is an intrinsic part of a nurse’s job, is being used as an instrument to enhance patient’s health and satisfaction (American Nurses Association, n.d.). Nurses take into account the needs and preferences of patients so as to provide them with the best health care service. Due to the extremely important role played by nurses in the patient’s health care, nurses are being educated and trained to carry out leadership roles. Leadership is a critical aspect of a nurse’s responsibility and this could come in the form of taking immediate decisions and thinking rationally. For this reason, it is being suggested that the baccalaureate exam should be made a minimum criteria for registered nurses (Greenwood, n.d.). Apart from this there has been a raise in the standards for nursing licenses so as to ensure that only highly trained and qualified nurses who possess the necessary skills are authorized to carry out patient care. Now it is also bei ng considered by some professionals that a master’s degree should be made a criterion for being a registered nurse (RN) (Greenwood, n.d.). According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), the role of a nurse is important not merely in the sense of hospital care but also in community-oriented and family-based care (2008). Through their experience, proven approaches, and intervention techniques, they can improve the healthcare quality for patients. The term health care quality is often defined in terms of standard, which takes into consideration the health services and the intended outcome on the patient (Mitchell, 2008). This resulted in certain indicators expressing quality standards, which include death, disease,

Friday, October 18, 2019


VISIONARY LEADERSHIP, CROSS-CULTURAL LEADERSHIP, FACILITATING CHANGE - Research Paper Example The dimension of Power-distance addresses existing inequality level across the cross-cultural workforce. The inequality operational is acceptable within the power setting of the organization with regard to positions held in the work environment. In a low PD leadership system, power is well distributed as opposed to a high PD system where the management positions held are key in decision making in the organization. As such, closed-door meetings are done and communication is different in the different states that are created. Visionary leadership applies a hybrid system that allows acknowledgement of everybody’s role in decision-making. During crisis, a high PD system is preferable in making decisions while low PD useful where the decisions made affects policies. In addition, the dimension of Individualism-collectivism (IVD) that focuses on the strength of ties within the organizational community should be applied. An organization with high IDV displays characteristics of loose connection, little responsibility and a demand for high privacy. On the contrary, organizations with low IDV display qualities of respect, loyalty and strong cohesions within the work force in the organization. Visionary leadership lays down strategies that emphasize the benefits of working as a community with the aim of motivating labor force intrinsically and encouraging teamwork. Similarly, visionary leadership assesses the role of the dimension of Masculinity (MAS) in its environment. It refers to the ability of an organization to appreciate the traditional male and female roles in workforce. Organizations where the score of MAS is high expect men to be assertive and tough. In this setup, men occupy the managerial positions. In a leadership where the MAS score is lower, the roles played by men and women are related and are assigned in regards to professionalism and qualification. Visionary leaders embrace workforce based on qualification and professional

Artificial Intelligence in Health Care Delivery System Essay

Artificial Intelligence in Health Care Delivery System - Essay Example In the market-driven health system, consumers or people decide what goods (health module) to buy and at what cost. Therefore, the prices and the level of services become the crucial factor in the exchange of goods or the healthcare services. In the last few decades, United State has seen a marked shift in the healthcare which has moved from public driven policies to market funded paradigms. Healthcare is funded by private agencies and insurers and not by the government. Health insurance purchased by individuals and employers are the primary source of funding for healthcare delivery. The healthcare-related websites offer huge information about the healthcare services that may satisfy the needs of individuals, the family and the businesses. The websites of private insurance players promoting a wide range of healthcare products have become the main tools of market strategy. AIG is one of the world’s leading insurance and financial services with operations in more than 130 countri es across the globe ( The company offers a huge range of healthcare products in the insurance area for individuals and businesses. It facilitates options and premium calculations, including providing the people to customise products to suit their affordability, requirement and general welfare. Overall this link broadly gives the information so they are able to query in detail about the diseases and health plans with their service providers. Yes, using information technology in the insurance field greatly promotes artificial intelligence in healthcare. AI can be broadly defined as ‘the study of ideas which enable computers to do the things that make people seem intelligent ... The central goals of Artificial Intelligence are to make computers more useful.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Advanced Financial Reporting & Regulation Essay

Advanced Financial Reporting & Regulation - Essay Example However, the proponents of the fair value accounting method argued that this accounting technique was just a messenger and not a major cause or contributor of the subprime mortgage crisis. The paper critically assesses the arguments that have been placed regarding the fair value accounting method being a main reason for the occurrence of the subprime mortgage crisis or the GFC. The idea as to whether the fair value accounting method has actually contributed to the financial crisis or has only played a constrained role in exacerbating the intensity of the financial downturn is evaluated and assessed by taking into consideration the views and arguments presented by different scholars and academicians in their literary works prepared and presented in this topic. The use of empirical evidences and descriptive information are made to analyze and assess the role of the fair value accounting method in the financial crisis. The second part of the report includes a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of the fair value accounting method with the traditional accounting methods like the deprival value method of accounting, historical cost method of accounting and the r eplacement cost method of accounting. The report is concluded with a suitable conclusion in which it is highlighted that the role of the fair value accounting practice is much limited as a major reason for the occurrence of the Global Financial Crisis of 2008. The role of the fair value accounting technique in the financial crisis of 2008 is a controversial and highly debated topic. The fair value accounting method is the generally used accounting standard in the United States of America and has been specified in the FAS 157 in the year 2007. This accounting method includes the terms of accounting in which the different kinds of financial assets like the mortgage backed securities are priced and valued as per the current market value or mark to market value instead

Paradox of Violent Video Games Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Paradox of Violent Video Games - Research Paper Example The incident at Colorado phoenix theatre is still a fresh news item in which, a gunman turned the new Batman movie into areal horror. In this particular incident, 12 people died on the spot with 58 other surviving with serious injuries. The three incidents indicate how people are willing and ready to turn fiction into reality. Although such incidents have a political or social motivation, violent video games play a significant role in motivating such killers. For instance, Tristan had been playing Call on duty: Modern warfare 2 before he went on a shooting spree. These are isolated cases of violence resulting or inspired by violent video games. It is a paradox that violent video games inspire people into becoming saviors. This essay will, therefore, analyze the paradox of violent video games in relation to violence and mass murder. There have been intensive studies on the effects of video games in promoting acts of violence among teenagers. Studies in this field have attracted variou s people particularly sociologists and psychologists attempting to find links between the video games and acts of violence, particularly among teenagers. Concentration on teenagers is necessitated by the fact that teenagers are the main consumers of violent video games and researchers are interested in analyzing the correlation between playing violent video games and engaging in real violence. Studies completed in 2002 at the concluded that violent video games did not motivate people to indulge in real acts of violence.  ... It is a contradiction that violent video games addicts do not commit real violence. In fact, all the recent cases of shooting rampage have a political or social motivation Flew (Terry and Humphreys 211). Police are currently investigating the Colorado incident to unearth the motives behind the killings. However, other cases such as the Oslo shootings had a political motivation. For instance, Breivick complained that Norway was increasingly becoming a multicultural and Islamic state. The gunman claimed the authorities were to blame for the acts. These incidents disassociate violence particularly mass murder with violent video games. The paradox of video games in relation to acts of violence depicts rivalry that exists between media and producers of video games. Media and video games are complementary pastime activities and hence they have conflict of interest. According to Shaw, the video game industry has become a soft target to the media and entertainment industry, which consider it as a rival (121). From the author’s argument, association of video games and real violence is a tool applied by media houses to win the entertainment market. This is an expected phenomenon considering that both industries target the same audience. Recent meta-analysis conducted on 130, 000 subjects concluded that violent video games induced short-term aggression and antisocial behaviour. Although the studies have a significant value of truth, they are subject to criticism and misinterpretation. For instance, the tests did not consider the sanity or the mental health of the subjects (Davis 123). In addition, the tests did not consider exposure to other triggers such as physical

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Advanced Financial Reporting & Regulation Essay

Advanced Financial Reporting & Regulation - Essay Example However, the proponents of the fair value accounting method argued that this accounting technique was just a messenger and not a major cause or contributor of the subprime mortgage crisis. The paper critically assesses the arguments that have been placed regarding the fair value accounting method being a main reason for the occurrence of the subprime mortgage crisis or the GFC. The idea as to whether the fair value accounting method has actually contributed to the financial crisis or has only played a constrained role in exacerbating the intensity of the financial downturn is evaluated and assessed by taking into consideration the views and arguments presented by different scholars and academicians in their literary works prepared and presented in this topic. The use of empirical evidences and descriptive information are made to analyze and assess the role of the fair value accounting method in the financial crisis. The second part of the report includes a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of the fair value accounting method with the traditional accounting methods like the deprival value method of accounting, historical cost method of accounting and the r eplacement cost method of accounting. The report is concluded with a suitable conclusion in which it is highlighted that the role of the fair value accounting practice is much limited as a major reason for the occurrence of the Global Financial Crisis of 2008. The role of the fair value accounting technique in the financial crisis of 2008 is a controversial and highly debated topic. The fair value accounting method is the generally used accounting standard in the United States of America and has been specified in the FAS 157 in the year 2007. This accounting method includes the terms of accounting in which the different kinds of financial assets like the mortgage backed securities are priced and valued as per the current market value or mark to market value instead

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

- Art and Music Appreciation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

- Art and Music Appreciation - Essay Example It is incisively instructive, showing how the entire art movement can be looked at cynically, but one needs to know a lot about it first. This quote best expresses Holland’s take on the development of art. He is biting in his sarcasm, which shows disdain of how art is shown to the public, how commercial art is denigrated, and how common perception needs to be improved by education. Yes, I agree with Holland’s ‘inherited and exploded’ quote: today’s artists can take everything that went before and ‘blow it to bits’ in the sense of debunking art myths, taking and expanding forms, and adding or subtracting what would have been unthinkable when those forms and myths were created. The collage of styles in Strawberry Fields Forever is a precursor (or permission) for other bands to incorporate classic themes in their music. It took a while, but bands like Electric Light Orchestra and Orchestral Maneuvers in the Dark came along much later and used string and brass sections, together with symphonic strains. It was all due to John Lennon and Paul McCartney and their innovative, prophetic, visionary borrowing of classic motifs. The lyrics are intentionally jumbled to express laconic abandonment of all that was rule-bound: the Beatles allowed youngsters to break out with impunity, and to ignore disapproval. It allowed musicians to create collages of their own in a destructurist way, and there is the link with post-modernism. Such a band as the Beatles will, as Levitin (2007) proposes, always occupy a place in music, but their name might not live on with the tunes. People will hum Yesterday, sing Yellow Submarine to their children or serenade a lover with Michelle forever, but these will be like O Sole Mio, You are My Sunshine and Dancing in the Rain. Everyone knows them but like... who wrote

Monday, October 14, 2019

Human Resources in Riordan Manufacturing Essay Example for Free

Human Resources in Riordan Manufacturing Essay When people think of the responsibilities of a human resources department, they may say they are responsible for the hiring and firing of employees. The truth of the matter is that a human resources management is responsible for much more than just hiring and firing. The human resources management is responsible for hiring qualified people, training employees to do their jobs according to company policies, motivate their employees and be able to support productive employees. Riordan Manufacturing has a good human resources department, which maintains an innovative and team-oriented work environment. Riordan Manufacturing mainly recruits employees outside the company via entry –level positions. There is also an internal job posting for employees to take advantage of new job opportunities. The method Riordan Manufacturing uses to recruit qualified employees is through online advertisements via, local newspapers, employee referrals, temp agencies, and job conferences. The plant in China uses contract workers for engineering, and IT positions. Riordan Manufacturing seeks qualified people for jobs, but the company does not conduct reference test as well as drug testing of potential employees. When concerning training and development, Riordan Manufacturing has a mandatory training program for employees within their 90 days of hire. New employees have to attend orientation on their first day on the job. For production and shipping and quality employees, they have to go through Six Sigma training. New supervisors are required to go through training workshops within 12 months of becoming a supervisor. Such workshops include interviewing guidelines, preventing EEO claims as well as workplace sexual harassment, and finally performance reviews. Riordan Manufacturing also has incentive programs for outstanding employees. There are three types of programs Riordan Manufacturing use to recognize outstanding employees. 1. Outstanding Employee Award 2. Employee Suggestion Program 3. Seniority Awards Riordan Manufacturing HR system Riordan Manufacturing implemented it’s HRIS (Human Resource Information Systems) in 1992. This system manages employee information such as the following: 1. Personal information 2. Pay rate 3. Personal exemptions for tax purposes 4. Hire dates 5. Seniority date 6. Organizational information 7. Vacation hours If an employee has to make any changes to his or her information, he or she has to submit it in writing on a special form. That information is entered later by a payroll clerk. The training and development specialist kept track of training and development records via Excel worksheets. In order for recruiters to maintain applicant’s information, all resumes are filed in a central storage area and are track via an Excel spreadsheet. Riordan Manufacturing employs a third party provider to keep track of workers’ compensation. Individual managers keep track of employee’s files and are also responsible for tacking FMLA absences as well as requests for accommodation. A compensation manager keeps results of job analyses, salary surveys and individual compensation decisions via Excel spreadsheet. Complaints, grievances, harassment complaints, as well as ethical issues are managed and tracked by employee relations specialists. HR Needed Systems Riordan Manufacturing’s current HRIS needs an up-to-date face lift. Instead of having different individuals managing employee’s vital information, Riordan Manufacturing needs to invest in human resources software. Implementing the software would increase the efficiency of their current HRIS. It would ease the burden of keeping track of all the employees’ information. References University of Phoenix (2012). Riordan Manufacturing Virtual Organization. Retrieved from BSA/500 – Business Systems II course website.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Dating on the Internet Essay -- Research Cyberdating Internet Essays

Dating on the Internet It has become today's method of communication, the wave of the future. The necessity to leave the home to do such things as shop for clothes or to go to the bank is diminishing. Business is being conducted more frequently from the home. Students will soon be able to interact with their teachers and fellow students while sitting in their bedrooms. The Internet will overtake all forms of personal interaction, and it stands to reason that this includes dating. From foreign pen-pals to heated Cybersex, the number of people who log on each day is growing rapidly. Those who used to race home from school to run outside and play, now race home to meet their best friend in a chat room somewhere; they've never met and yet they're soul mates. There are people who take these relationships so seriously, they will travel almost anywhere to meet the person of their dreams. Cyberdating is here to stay. According to Betty in California, it is the "nineties way for busy professional people to connect." She emphasizes, "Bars are out; computers are in!" (Women's Wire News). A survey conducted through Women's Wire News of 375 people revealed that 61% of those responding would "consider turning a Cyber-affair into a real-life one." (Women's Wire News). This being the case, what does this mean for society? Is personal socialization and face-to-face communication a thing of the past? Increasing reliance on computers certainly draws society in that direction. But possibly this isn't as new as people might like to think. Perhaps this is the direction in which society has been moving since the invention of the telephone. Fran in New Jersey supports this: I wonder if people got this worked up about the telephone? Because tha... ...ditha in Florida, Women's Wire News). Work Cited: "Do Boys Just Wanna Have Fun? Male Gender-Switching in Cyberspace (and how to detect it)," psycyber/ genderswap.html (May 1996,4/7/97) Sara Pitman. "From Keyboards to Human Contact: Love Relationships Through Computer-Mediated Communications," http://edie. sarticle.html (undated, 3/24/97) John Suler, Ph.D."Communicative Subtlety in Multimedia Chat How Many Ways Can You Say "Hi" at the Palace?" ~suler/psycyber/hilucy.html (March1997, 4/7/97) John Suler, Ph.D. "The Psychology of Avatars and Graphical Space in Visual Chat Environments," psyav.html (May 1996, 3/24/97) "Women's Wire News, Cyberdating: The Dirt," (1997, 3/24/97)

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Classification Essay - Weight Lifters :: Classification Essays Gym Working Out

Classification Essay - Weight Lifters    Entertainment has been an established part of the American culture almost since its founding. The types of entertainment that most Americans enjoy in today's world are going to the movies, going out to eat, and exercising. Different forms of exercise vary from running and playing sports to weight lifting. Those who enjoy weight lifting can choose to do so in the privacy of their home, in a community center like the YMCA, or in a health club. At a health club one can expect to find a wide variety of people; however, some of these people add to the downside of working out at a local health club because they can be annoying and obnoxious. Three types of these annoying, obnoxious people found at the weight room of a local health club are the show-off, the know-it-all, and the wanderer; these types can be identified by their physical appearance, their social behavior, and their attitude. The first type, the show-off, is known by his flashy appearance, his misanthropic social skills, and his arrogant attitude. The show-off is a single male in his twenties who drives a European luxury car; he always comes to the gym wearing a tank top to display his deep tan and a pair of black and green spandex shorts. He is heavily built and all his muscles are well defined. But he is a man with poor social skills; he seldom talks to another soul and always works out by himself. He frequently ignores the greetings and good-byes of the health club employees; when he does answer a friendly "Hi, how is it going" or a "See you later," he does so in a deep, blunt, morbid tone of voice. He also likes to emphasize how strong and masculine he is by working out at the very front and center of the weight room, where everyone can see him. He refuses requests for help from others like a cheerleader refusing to go on a date with an pimply, nerdy classmate. Most people who work out at health clubs are glad to do without the show-off. The second type is the know-it-all; he is identified by his commonplace appearance, moderately developed social skills, and commanding attitude.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Panera Bread Essay

In this paper I will be discussing the company Panera Bread, its history, and how they decided on the business strategy that the company uses. I will also give a description of Panera’s strategic vision and how its stakeholders enable the success of Panera. Panera was built by Ron Shaich and originally started out in 1980 with a little store that used to be called the Cookie Jar. After three decades, a merger, and an acquisition later, Shaich’s empire turned into what we now know and love as Panera Bread. (Kowitt, 2012). Shaich started this bread empire when he was attending Clark University and was kicked out of a convenience store that didn’t cater to college students. So Shaich, who was the treasurer of the student body, decided that the college should make their own store, and that is exactly what they did. After running this store for the college, Shaich loved it so much that he decided to open his own store called the Cookie Jar, and in an effort to expand his offerings he became a licensee of the French bakery company, Au Bon Pain, whom later on merged with his company. Kowitt, 2012). Later Shaich stated that â€Å"[he] was worried because the French baked goods we sold at our half-a-dozen stores were becoming pedestrianized. We decided to use the croissant and bread as a platform to sell soups, salads, and sandwiches† (Kowitt, 2012). This is where they started becoming the store we are familiar with, however they had one more change to go through before they evolved into their current format. In 1993 Shaich purchased a small lunchtime soup, salad, and sandwich chain called St. Louis Bread Co. Shaich soon realized that this is where the gem of his business was located, so he changed the name to Panera, changed the environment to encourage people to gather, and sold off the other portions of his company such as Au Bon Pain. (Kowitt, 2012). This was the turning point for the company where Shaich decided to make the full business strategy for Panera to be that of the bakery cafe set up. With a vision of providing good quality breads and foods, with excellent customer service, this is key for while other companies have cut back due to the economy. Panera has continued their game plan to ensure the greatest experience for their customers. If you walk into other companies restaurants you will see longer lines, waits, and dirty tables due to those companies cutting back, whereas Panera continues to invest in labor in their cafes and the quality of their workers, as well as in the quality of their food. (â€Å"How panera bread,† 2010). This is their long term strategy and what I believe is the key to their success and the most important part of their strategy. They put emphasis on the quality of their food and the dining experience; this has really won over the customers that want a fast, clean, and healthy dining experience. This business plan of taking care of the customer first is due to the fact that the stockholders, and Shaich, who is the largest stockholder, allow Panera to remember that they started the company to provide quality service to customers, not to make money. Realizing that the stock price is a byproduct of them ensuring the customers are happy, and not the whole point of the company. A lot of companies think only of profits and hitting the bottom line, whereas Panera views their role as delivering a valued service to their customers. (Shaich, 2011). Shaich states that â€Å"We have to spend less time figuring out how to extract economic value from our stakeholders and more time creating what is valuable to them. Doing so is what ultimately creates long-term value† (Shaich, 2011). Arguing the fact that if you make sure the service you are providing is great then the customers will come, and your stock value will rise. Just like the old adage â€Å"if you build it they will come† this is the same thing, if you build a clean friendly restaurant with quality food, then the customers will come and spend money, and this is exactly what Panera has done and why they are so successful. My recommendation to Panera is to continue doing what they are doing, ensuring that the food and service quality at their restaurants stays at the high level that they already are. Never forgetting that this is what brings them long term profits, and to always keep that goal in view, instead of stripping down their services to create vast short term profits, but hurting customer loyalty and future sells. In conclusion we can see that Panera was able to start from a small little cookie store and transform into the huge restaurant chain it is today by focusing on taking care of their customers and not just looking at the bottom line of a balance sheet.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Referral Article

In addition, when asked, current employees would eve nonchalant answers such as â€Å"l will have to think about it, I don't know. † The general structure of such a program is that there is an associated monetary bonus for the employees who refer candidates for open positions. The monetary bonus would be received after the referred employee passed a 90 day probationary window. A number of companies will actually limit the monetary bonuses received for referrals for employs too particular number per year.For the companies that do to offer a monetary bonus for employee referrals, there is an offering of products or services to be redeemed, specifically products or services that are commonly used. In regards to employee-based referrals, it seems that the process should be more streamlined and has a more concrete structure. Offering monetary bonuses doesn't seem like the best idea as it could motivate the current employees to suggest any random individual, rather that a solid qual ified one.Instead of monetary bonuses, he companies should offer training to employees. For example a rare opportunity for a class that isn't normally offered, it would encourage the employee to better themselves and the company they work for. The employee referral program is also a significant way for companies to diminish large cost ways of finding employees, such as newspaper advertisement. The word of mouth idea is at it's finest by using the current employees to recruit new ones. That is a great way to cut cost and yet get the Job done in a timely manner.

Brave New World Character Analysis

Brave New World by Aloud Huxley, the reader is introduced to a very different society than the one that they currently live in. In this seemingly weird society, Huxley introduces Lenin Crowner. Lenin is Aloud Huxley femme fatal character. She works at a London Center of Hatchery. Lenin is also a very â€Å"pneumatic† woman that is the ideal Brave New World citizen and is also thoroughly conditioned to meet the expectations of the world controllers.. Although intelligent, she prefers to return to her conditioning and not cause arguments.There are moments of non-conformity in her, but she hides such tendencies, preferring to be an ideal member of the Brave New World. Since she is a true product of the Brave New World, she dislikes traditional human emotions and sees sex as only a â€Å"no strings attached† type thing. It is because of this that she doesn't understand why John the Savage is not interested in her just because of her body. The common question surrounding Len in is does she really love John, or is this simply a case of wanting what you can't have? Throughout the course of the novel, we do see an evolution in Lamina's character right around the timeJohn is introduced. We see the breaking point of Lenin when she does something at the end of the book that she's never done. She cried when seeing John isolating himself at the lighthouse thus showing that Lenin was presumably in love with John. Personally, still feel that Lenin was just infatuated of the fact that John is different from the rest of the Brave New World. Overall, we as readers saw a major change in Lamina's character throughout the course of the novel. I do feel however that Huxley could have better represented Lenin in the beginning chapters and also describe her a bit

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Final case Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Final case Assignment - Essay Example THINK should not tie-up with an established player, and maintain its own identity. It should enter into partnership with some Chinese firm as a short-term strategy. However, focus should be to enhance relations with Ener1 to overcome their internal weaknesses. Table of Contents 1. Introduction 3 2. Core proposition and long-term customers 3 3. Success strategy for the US and Europe 4 4. Strategic partners 5 5. Industry analysis 5.1 Auto industry within US 6 5.2 Risks 7 5.3 Future trends 8 6. Company analysis 6.1 Strengths 9 6.2 Weakness 10 6.3 Opportunity 10 6.4 Threats 11 7. Competitor analysis 12 8. Recommendations or the way forward for THINK 13 References 15 Table & Charts Chart I: Global Oil prices & US gasoline prices in 2030 8 Chart II: Per-Mile Fueling cost 10 Table I: US supply of electric vehicles from 2011 through 2015 11 1. Introduction THINK, the electric car company, has faced three bankruptcies but has now been able to draw investments from companies from different cou ntries such as the US, Finland, and Norwegian government-backed investment fund. The company is now faced with the challenge of introducing and achieving success in the US market. The potential in the US is very high due to government support for electric vehicles (EVs) and hence THINK wants to be in the US from the beginning to take advantage of early-mover benefits. THINK has been positioned as a modern, efficient and responsive brand. Initially the core customers comprised of the fleet buyers including the government buyers and companies that valued association with green transport. Moreover, electrical vehicles (EVs) have low operating costs apart from the fact they are exempt from congestion charges. They are allowed to operate in otherwise vehicle-restricted parts of the city. The government-bodies are also able to comply with the urban emission regulations. Using and leasing environment-friendly vehicles enhances the corporate image of the government and private organizations which also plays upon the image of the potential employees who value eco-conscious employers. 2. Core proposition and long-term customers The core proposition of the vehicle is to provide cars with zero-emission while making it affordable and user-friendly. These cars may not be able to drive long distances per day but then the customer segment that THINK proposes to tap, would not require daily long distance driving. The car-sharing and rental agencies can be long-term customers of EVs as these can be rented out in congested urban areas as EVs have strong political and economic support. The clients of the car rental agencies become the potential owners of the EVs as they try out the cars first. Another long-term customer segment for the EVs includes the baby boomers who are environmentally conscious and for whom two-wheeler cars are sufficient. Then there are the women shoppers who use the car for day-time shopping and just need a child-fit arrangement in the car. The urban profes sionals also need a â€Å"cool car† that provides them a distinct identity and demonstrates their desire to change the world by being the trend setters. Apart from the green concept, since THINK uses the latest technology, it allows the driver to remain connected with the world outside. In fact the car can be used as a high-powered mobile computing, and communications platform,